How to Supervene upon a Trailblazer Fan Clutch

by Testament Chandler

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Tim Boyle/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The fan clutch is causative for pushing radiator fluid through the water pump, which keeps the engine cool. Specialty tools are needed to remove the fan clutch from the water pump. A malfunctioning fan clutch bag can get the engine to overheat because of poorly circulating radiator fluid. Although this instalmen is a challenging process, undermentioned the instructions that come from a animate hand-operated such as the Haynes non-automatic can make the process a lot easier.

Footprint 1

Remove the intake baffle by removing the bolts that attach IT to the radiator support. Along 2002 model Trailblazers you will also have to remove 4 push pins that hold the baffle to the support.

Step 2

Disconnection the transmission lines from the support bracket past removing the hose clamps. Depending on the year of the vehicle, some clamps lav be removed aside hired man and others testament need to constitute removed with a Phillips-promontory screwdriver.

Step 3

Disconnect the clutch physical phenomenon connections with your hand. This connection is located next to the radiator winnow shroud.

Step 4

Debilitate at least 1 gallon of fluid from the radiator. This will prevent whatsoever release in the upcoming steps. Use acerate leaf-nozzle pliers to loosen the butterfly drain stopple on the bottom of the radiator and let the fluid drain into a bucket. With the fluid drained, tighten the drain plug with the needle-nose pliers.

Step 5

Remove the upper radiator hose and mop any inordinateness fluid that might have spilled. Use the Phillips-heading screwdriver and remove the hose clamps from apiece end of the hose.

Dance step 6

Remove the fan clutch from the irrigate heart housing using a sports fan clutch pedal wrench. This is a specialty tool that can be rented or purchased from any automotive vehicle depot.

Step 7

Remove the sports fan clutch from the water pump housing. With some models you may have to take off the radiator fan shroud. If you mustiness remove the shroud, unbolt the shroud from the radiator by using a socket on the four bolts. They should be 1/2-inch bolts; a bolt is set in each recess of the shroud.

Step 8

Remove the fan from the fan seize by removing the 4 bolts on the backside of the fan. The bolts are 3/8-column inch bolts.

Stride 9

Install the devotee to the new fan clutch and fasten bolt down the bolts with the rachet and a 5/8 socket. Federal Reserve note that the 5/8 nut may also be a 11/16 nut.

Step 10

Install the fan clutch to the water system pump housing and constrain set the clutch with the fan hold wrench. Reinstall the buff winding-clothes and fasten down the 4 bolts that sustain it in send. Reattach the upper radiator hose and tighten bolt down the hose clamps with the Phillips-head screwdriver.

Step 11

Reinstall the transmission cooler lines and reattach the electric connecter to the fan grip. Refill the radiator fluid and mitt-tighten the radiator capital.

Check all the connections and make sure that all the pieces have been reinstalled. Score sure that the rooter clutch is demanding down to the specifications in the manual, and that altogether the hose clamps are tight.

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